Gail Sagman

1957             Born in Glasgow. Scotland
1975–76      Sir John Cass School of Art. London
1976–79      St. Martins’ School of Art. London

2024             ‘Art Inn’ Community Art project between Havana and North Kensington, London
                        ‘Intercambio 2’ Casa des Artistas y Creadores, Havana. 10 paintings in Collaboration with Javier Loch

2023             'Singing Buildings of Tbilisi' Tbilisi, Georgia Commission by the Heritage Trust of Georgia to expose the destruction of their wooden buildings
                       ‘X9' Portobello, London. 9 Canvas hangings made in collaboration with 9 people from the local community
                        Conference on The Value of Art and Culture in the Community, North Kensington, London
                       'Exchange' House of Artists and Creators, Havana, Cuba . Collaboration in painting 12 canvases with Javier Hernandez

2022             'Consequenses' Making large figures from found materials with the Community, North Kensington, London
                      Making art works with people from an eco-community in Greece
                      Making art works with refugee community, ’Steki’ Athens, Greece
                      ‘X9’ Making 9 large scale canvases in collaboration with 9 painters. Portobello, London
                      ‘Blue and Yellow’ Latge scale works with North Kensington Community, Portobello Green, London

2021             ‘’Abstract Jammers’ performance, The Jam Factory, Dorset
                      ‘Line of The Times, Front Room Gallery, London

2020             Co-paintings with Cuban painter, Javier Loch Ness in Havana, Cuba

2019             ‘Now’ Cochin biennale exhibition with works made on the streets of Kochi island, India
                      ‘No Exit’ exhibition based on a response to the works of Dorothea Tanning, London
                     Theatre production of version of Ionescos’ ‘Rhinoceros’ at The Jam Factory and Fannys Meadow. Dorset/ Somerset

2018             Victoria Square community painting project. Athens
                      ’10’ Paintings. The Jam Factory, Dorset
                       ‘Znak’  Installation of 2D and 3D works in X medal factory, with performances and ‘Suitcases of Honour’, Prague

2017             ‘Bakers Dozen’ 13 2 meter canvas hangings involving 13 nationalities. Athens/ London

2016            ‘Suitcases of Discontent’ Works by residents of The Jungle. Calais
                     ‘Bare Bones’ Theatre production on theme of identity at The Jam Factory, Dorset

2015            ‘Transforms’ Exhibition of works involving 3D objects as a stand in for paint at The Jam Factory, Dorset
                     ‘Suitcases of Discontent’ and ‘Chamber Cases’ Exhibition and theatre production at NOD, Prague

2014             ‘Take Stock’ Retrospective. The Jam Factory, Dorset
                      ‘88’ Traveling exhibition, Melbourne

2013             ‘Chamber Music’ Theatre production of Arthur Kopit play at The Jam Factory, Dorset
                     ‘The Great and The Small’ Arts Council sponsored show, Nepal/ Dorset
                      ‘Homage 19+1’ Exhibition in honour of 19 artists at The Jam Factory Dorset

2012             '36' Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain
                      Exhibition at The Gallery, Honiton, Devon
                      'Offshoot' Mixed-media Festival, The Jam Factory, Dorset

2011             ‘Off-Kilter’ Mixed medium exhibition at The Jam Factory, Dorset

2010           ‘Debris in 2D’ Exhibition at The Jam Factory, DorsetFestival

2009           ‘From the Absurd to the Ridiculous’ Mixed media event at The Jam Factory, Dorset
                     ‘Out of The Rectangle’ Exhibition at Redgate Gallery, London

2008           ‘The Absurdist Absurdity’ Mixed media event at The Jam Factory, Dorset

2007            ‘Grist to The Mill’ Installation on building, Lyme Regis, Dorset
                      ‘D’ella Memoria’ Mixed medium exhibition, Venice

2006             'Project 81' Exhibition at Art Terracina Gallery, Exeter
                      Retrospective at Pymore Estate, Dorset
                      ‘House of Bernarda Alba’ Stage set. Bridport, Dorset

2005            ‘Project 81’ Exhibition in Gallery Terracina, Exeter

2004            ‘Abstract to Abstraction’ Exhibition at Town Mill Gallery, Lyme Regis, Dorset

2003            Exhibition at Dagger gallery, Bridport, Dorset

2002            ‘Out of The Frying Pan’ Exhibition in Subculture Gallery, Exeter 
                      Hunting Art Prize exhibition, London

2001            ‘Sunshine I’m Only Dreaming’ Exhibition at Stark Gallery, London

1999            ‘Time Takes a Cigarette’ Retrospective at  X Libris Gallery, Bridport, Dorset
                      'From A Suitcase' Exhibition at Pegs Gallery, London

1998            Festival of Arts. Bridport, Dorset

1996            Kensington and Chelsea Hospital collection, London

1995            International Symposium at Roxy, Prague

1994            Prague works at Roxy Gallery, Prague

1993            Work in 3D and painting with mentally impaired and blind, Prague
                      Performance, 'Lifecycle' in tunnel under 'Stalin Monument', Prague
                      Exhibition at Mladych Gallery, Prague

1992           Exhibition at Southern Exposure Gallery, San Francisco
                    Exhibition, ‘From Kandinsky to Malevich’ Moscow

1991            Installation in Chicano Park, San Diego
                    Installation in Next Gallery, San Francisco
                    Exhibition of works made in Russia at Gallery A3, Moscow
                    Installations in temporary spaces, Prague

1990           Exhibition in Liberitz botanical gardens, Czech Republic International festival
                    ‘Light Removes Darkness’ Arts Festival in Stalin Monument, Prague
                    Exhibition at Snemovny Gallery, Prague

1989            International festival ‘The Totalitarian Zone’ in Stalin Monument, Prague
                    Exhibition at Sue Williams Gallery, London

1988           Exhibition at Berkeley Square Gallery, London

1987           Theatre production of Picassos’ ‘Desire Caught by The Tail’ at Riverside Studios, London

1986           Exhibition at Benjamin Rhodes Gallery, London

1985           Stage set for Czech theatre production

1984            Exhibition at Benjamin Rhodes Gallery, London

1982           Exhibition at Riverside Studios, London
                      ‘The Professionals' Director, Co-Script Writer, October Gallery, London

1981            Leicester Open, England

1980          Whitechapel Gallery, London

1979          Camden Arts Centre, London